District Officers

Chris Craft
Grain Craft

Steve Neely
Ardent Mills

Michael Keenan
Vice Chairperson
Grain Craft

Tom Byrnes, Jr.
Blower Engineering

Brandon Dillon
1st Executive Committeeperson
ADM Milling

Diwakar Mokadam
Allied Trades Chairperson
IMAS North America

Four Districts met in Ann Arbor, Michigan

The IAOM Wolverine, Niagara, Ohio Valley, and Southeastern Joint District Fall Meeting took place September 18-20 at the Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest, Ypsilanti, MI. More than 100 attendees came together to network, learn and collaborate. Presentations focused on safety: in the mill, working with chlorine and the importance of equipment maintenance. An update on the Michigan Wheat Market was provided, along with a discussion of how mills can take sustainability measures. The day wrapped up with a dinner at the Ford Assembly Plant. On Friday, attendees had the opportunity to tour the Chelsea Mill. The 2025 event will take place in Louisville, KY.
