A professional society of flour millers, IAOM has been a constant bulwark for over a century in an industry that has seen its share of ups and downs. Since its foundation, the association’s mission has been to unite the “dusty” professionals in the milling industry, and to add to their knowledge base by providing continuing education opportunities.
IAOM has been the leading provider of educational resources and training for the milling industry since its foundation in 1896. Through conferences, workshops, correspondence courses, short courses and publications, IAOM has played an integral role in the continued education and training of the professionals in this industry for 110 years. IAOM is an individual-based member organization with a membership that represents some 70 countries worldwide. The association works solely to improve the profitability, efficiency and safety of grain mills, without tackling the more politically-volatile trade or regulatory issues. IAOM is a network of millers, who are able to share their professional insights on the technical and operational aspects of milling.
As a network, IAOM is always interested in expanding its reach. In 2003, IAOM added “International” to its official name, which reflected the focus of the organization’s strategic development plans and was based upon the calls of members around the world for IAOM to renew its efforts to develop international districts. Today, IAOM’s fastest growing districts are located outside its founding territory of North America – in Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa.
Important Dates in IAOM History
1895 – Benjamin W. Dedrick writes to the American Miller suggesting the formation of an operative millers’ association
1896 – The Fraternity of Operative Millers of America (FOMA) is established on January 20, with Benjamin W. Dedrick as president
1896 – First annual meeting of the FOMA takes place in Chicago, and Dedrick is unanimously re-elected as president
1904 – The insurance program for members is finalized, including coverage for sickness, accident, death & dismemberment
1919 – After nearly 25 years of existence, the FOMA is reorganized as the Association of Operative Millers (AOM)
1945 – Annual conference canceled due to WWII concerns for group travel and mass meetings
1946 – Golden Anniversary of the AOM is celebrated at 50th international conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA
1947 – Arrangements made for AOM to take control of “Dunwoody Correspondence Course in Practical Milling”
1952 – All Districts are instructed to assume a descriptive name to go with numerical identification.
1962 – First AOM “Gold Medal” awarded to Dr. John A. Shellenberger of Kansas State University
1963 – Cereal Millers Handbook is copyrighted.
1970 – Diamond Anniversary of the AOM is celebrated at 74th international conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
1973 – First AOM “Donald S. Eber Award” presented to Roy F. Kehr of Kressilk Products, Inc.
1975 – AOM Latin America District is founded; plans first meeting for 1976 Annual Conference
1976 – First AOM “Geo. B. Wagner Memorial Award” presented to Prof. Donald A. Wilbur, Sr., of Kansas State University
1984 – First AOM “Allied Trades Technology Award” presented to Jack Kice of Kice Metal Products Co.
1986 – First “Milling Operative of the Year” award presented to Jerry D. Kuhn of White Lily Foods Co. by Sosland Publishing Co.
1988 – AOM holds its first East Africa District conference
1992 – AOM headquarters office is relocated outside of Kansas City, Missouri, to the suburb of Leawood, Kansas.
1994 – Districts discontinue using numerical identification, and the Gateway District is merged with the Central and Ohio Valley Districts
1996 – 100th Anniversary of the AOM is celebrated at its 100th international conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
2003 – AOM adds “International” to its official name, becoming the International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM)
2006 – IAOM holds the inaugural meeting of a proposed Eurasia District in Istanbul, Turkey
2007 – IAOM Eurasia District is founded
2010 – IAOM Southeast Asia District is founded
2015 – IAOM Western District is formed when the Golden West, Intermountain and Pacific Districts merge
2020 – IAOM Annual Conference & Expo is cancelled due to COVID-19 global pandemic
2021 – IAOM celebrates 125th anniversary at Annual Conference & Expo in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Association Logos From 1896 To Present
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