The Wheat State District invites members from the Central and Texoma districts to join them on March 3-4 in Manhattan, Kansas for the annual spring joint districts’ meeting. The meeting will be held at the Kansas State University IGP Institute building. The activities begin on Thursday, March 3 with the technical sessions in the morning followed by lunch and tours of the Hal Ross Flour Mill, O.H. Kruse Feed Innovation Center, and Kansas Wheat & Innovation Center. A social hour and banquet will follow that evening. The golf outing will begin at 10 a.m. on Friday morning.
- Online Registration (credit card payment)
- To pay with a check, please complete the Downloadable Registration Form
Early Bird Registration through February 25!
Holiday Inn At The Campus
1641 Anderson Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
IAOM has reserved a block of rooms on March 2 and March 3 at a reduced rate of $99.95/per night (plus taxes). Book your room by February 23 in order to receive this rate.
- You can click the link, “Book Now” and enter Group Code “IAO”
- Or you can call +1 785-539-7531 & request the Group Code “IAO”
Room block pricing is available through February 23, 2022!
The Purple Ash Golf Tournament will tee off at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 4 at Colbert Hills followed by lunch after golf. Golf registration includes green fees, cart rental, range balls and lunch.
For planning purposes, advance registration is greatly appreciated. Please let us know which functions you will be attending. Because we have to guarantee a certain number of attendees for the banquet and golf, there will be no refunds for cancellations made after February 25.
Thursday, March 3
7:00 am | On Site Registration & Breakfast
8:00 am | Opening of Technical Conference
David Byers, Wheat State District Director, Ardent Mills
8:10 am | KSU Grain Science & IGP Update
Shawn Thiele, Assoc. Director, International Grains Program
Dr. Gordon Smith, KSU Professor & Head, Grain Science Industry Director
8:30 am | Update on International IAOM Activities
Ron Galle, IAOM Treasurer, Miller Milling
8:50 am | Food Safety Issues in Milling & Food Safety Culture
Judi Lazaro, Senior Director – Global Sales, AIB International
9:35 am | Wheat Crop Update
Justin Gilpin, CEO, Kansas Wheat Commission
10:20 am | Beverage & Stretch Break
10:30 am | Update on World Trade Events & Current Transportation Developments
Dalton Henry, VP of Trade Policy, US Wheat Associates
11:15 am | What’s New – Intell-I-Mag (The Intelligent Magnet)
Bob Castaneda, RSM, Magnetic Products, Inc. (MPI)
11:30 pm | Lunch
12:30 pm | Fall Protection Awareness & Demonstration (Interactive Session)
Joe Brandel, Business Development Manager, PMG
1:30 pm | Current Labor Market Challenges (Interactive Session)
Gina Brummels, Sr. Director-Talent, Learning, & Change, Ardent Mills
2:45 pm | Beverage & Stretch Break
2:55 pm | Falling Number Optimization
Dan Ayd, Sales Account Manager, Buhler, Inc.
3:25 pm | District Business Meetings
3:45 pm | Tours of Facilities on Grain Science & Industry North Campus
Hal Ross Flour Mill, Kansas Wheat Innovation Center, O.H. Kruse Feed Innovation Center
6:00 pm | Social Hour | Holiday Inn at The Campus
7:00 pm | Banquet | Holiday Inn at The Campus
Friday, March 6
Purple Ash Golf Tournament | Colbert Hills Golf Course
9:00 am | Tee Times begin
Golf Registration includes green fees, cart rental, & lunch following golf