The Ohio Valley district invites you to join its members and those from the Niagara, Southeastern and Wolverine Districts for their joint annual fall conference at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center in Sandusky, OH.
Kalahari Resort & Convention Center
7000 Kalahari Drive
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center at a discounted rate of $119 per night for a standard room, and $149 per suite. The cut off for this rate will be Wednesday, August 28. Rates are based on availability after this date. To reserve a room, call 1-877-525-2427 and tell them you are with the IAOM Joint District Meeting or click here.
We will have a golf tournament on Wednesday, September 25 (details to follow)
Book now – table top displays are limited! If you are interested in sponsoring this event, and reserving one of the table tops for your product display, please download the Allied Trades Sponsorship Form and send to the address on the form.
Tentative Schedule at a Glance
Wednesday, September 25
11:00 am Golf Tournament: Woussickett Golf Course, Sandusky, OH
5:00 pm-7:00 pm Early Arrival Check-in
6:30 pm-8:00 pm Reception: Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, B-Lux Grill & Bar (private area)
8:00 pm Dinner on your own
Thursday, September 26
7:00-8:00 am On-site Registration
7:00 am Breakfast
7:45 am Opening of Technical Conference, Opening Remarks
8:00 am – 9:00 am Technical Sessions
9:00 am-10:00 am What’s New Presentations
10:00 am-11:00 am Table Top Expo and Coffee Break
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Technical Sessions
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Update on IAOM Global Activities
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Technical Sessions
3:00 pm Table Top Expo/Coffee Break
4:30 pm IAOM District Business Meetings
5:15 pm Closing Remarks and Adjournment
6:00 pm Reception and Banquet
7:30 pm-10:00 pm | Explore Kalahari Resort (optional)
Click here for things to do at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center
Friday, September 27
8:15-11:00 am Tour- Star of the West Mill- Willard, OH
Transportation TBD