The Wheat State District invites you to join us and register for the IAOM Wheat State District’s Annual Golf outing on Thursday, October 6. This event will be held at Sand Creek Station in Newton, Kansas. A boxed lunch furnished by the Allied Trades will be available from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., with tee times beginning at 12 p.m. Right after golf, there will be a terrific dinner prepared for your enjoyment, as well as an awards presentation.
Sand Creek Station
920 Meadowbrook Drive
Newton, KS 67114
Phone: 316-284-6161
Greens fees will be $100 per player, which includes range balls, cart, and dinner. Dinner and awards will be at Sand Creek Station following golf.
The outing will be a scramble format. When you make your reservation, please let us know your handicap or average score so we can balance the teams as best as possible.
• To register with a credit card, please go to the IAOM Online Store. Your login/username is your e-mail address and, if you’ve forgotten your password, please click “Forgot Password” to reset it.
• You can also call the IAOM office at 913-338-3377 and register over the phone.
• To register by check or cash, please complete the Registration Form. Make checks payable to the IAOM Wheat State District and mail to:
Tracy Eustace
W.D. Patterson Company, Inc.
815 N. Santa Fe
Newton, KS 67114
*Please include name, company, address, phone, email and average score or handicap.
316-283-7171 or email me at. We are excited to host this event and hope you are able to make arrangements to attend. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you at the course!
Tracy Eustace
Wheat State District Secretary/Treasurer
W.D. Patterson Company, Inc.
+1 316-283-7171
Directions to Sand Creek Station:
Take I-35 to Newton and exit on U.S. 50 West. Go west to Street South Anderson Road. Turn left (South) and go approximately 1/2 mile to Meadowbrook Drive. Turn right (West) follow this street to Sand Creek Station.